Detailed cost and productivity data is essential to managing and growing a successful healthcare organization. Then why do many organizations have no Decision Support and Cost Accounting systems to provide this information? And why do managers in many organizations that do have Decision Support systems still lack the information they need to make informed operational and financial decisions? Very simply, decision support has been too expensive and too complex to implement, support and operate for most organizations.
The IMOS Solution
A few years ago, IMOS realized that the widespread failure of decision support was really just the result of how decision support was being delivered. Our solution was to build an entirely new system and an entirely new product: A comprehensive decision support environment delivered as a service. With no hardware or software needed and no staff to hire. And at a significantly lower cost, and with lower risk, than with a system you have to install and support… IMOS will:
- Implement a complete Decision Support Solution for your hospital, including:
- Cost Accounting
- Business Line Performance Assessments
- Staff Productivity Assessment
- Clinical Cost Assessments
- Convert structures and data from your existing Decision Support system if you have one
- Load and validate all financial, payroll and statistical data into the system
- Provide regular reporting via an interface you chose (Intranet site, individual or group report delivery, etc.) in the timeframe and cycle you want
- Provide “Business View Datasets” customized to offer the exact data you need to conduct your own analyses, in whatever format you require – Excel, Access, Text files, Pivot Tables, Standard Reports, etc.
- Provide the consulting support necessary to help you draw Maximum benefits from the system and data based on our years of experience.
In Summary
- No systems to buy, implement, update, maintain or operate
- No staff to hire, train and worry about retaining
- Access to a state of the art system that delivers customized business reporting and analysis solutions targeted to your needs
- Nothing to learn: no software, no tools… just use the tools you know already to conduct your own analyses – we just give you the data you need, ready for use, available for use with YOUR tools!.
- Regular reporting and data extracts for analysis
- No break in the continuity of the system support and maintenance due to turnover, attrition or improperly trained personnel
- A current, “fresh”, implementation kept regularly “up-to-date”
- Highly qualified assistance to help you fully capitalize on the power of a decision support solution.
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